
Academic Session at G.C.A Lucknow

Every architectural work we produce is essentially a process of humanization i.e. to cater the needs and aspirations of humans Building is a complex process and there are various stake holders of this process. often we make building which satisfy creative cravings of designer or visual aspirations of developers but the needs and aspirations of end user are often ignored. humanization is a process to view a building from a human perspective.

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Lecture at BNI- Noida as President, BNI Torch Bearer

BNI-Business Networking Organization is responsible for providing an environment in which you develop personal relationships with dozens of other qualified business professionals. By establishing this “formal” relationship with other people, you will have the opportunity to substantially increase your business.Now, more than ever, business people need to network to stay in business. BNI provides a structured and supportive system of giving and receiving business. BNI offers its members the opportunity to share ideas, contacts, and most importantly, business referrals.

Lecture at BNI- Noida as President, BNI Torch Bearer Read More »