
Tourism in Noida

A research to highlight the city Noida as a tourist hub with so many city icons that enhance its beauty. During traveling, individuals are still working and being paid, but are doing so away from both their workplace and home. Importance of tourism arises from the numerous benefits and advantages it brings to any host country. But real importance of tourism comes from its nature and how it is defined & structured. Tourism contributes towards complete growth and development of a country: one, by bringing numerous economic value & benefits; and, second, helping in build country’s brand value, image & identity.

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Smart City : The need of the Hour

Smart cities are perceived as Safe & Secure that make the city life easy for citizens Introduce rapid and mass mobility conflict free options. Make the city energy efficient, promote Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Night life. Incorporate new technology advancements in running the city and improve the Physical Infrastructure to achieve zero discharge & Increase the Social Infrastructure .Make formal space for Informal Sector with people’s involvement and pedestrian friendly spaces.

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Walkability : Way of Life

The extent to which the built environment is friendly to the presence of people living, shopping, visiting, enjoying or spending time in area. Walking daily is as important as breathing in oxygen. It is good for health, environment friendly, time & cost efficient and also at the same time make accessibility easy. Walkability is considered an important dimension of healthy communities. Walkable environments were thought to yield potential health benefits, both directly by fostering more physical activity; and indirectly, by increasing active transportation and reducing urban air pollution.

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